Thursday, January 1, 2009

"so this is the new year...

...and I don't feel any different."
-The New Year by Death Cab for Cutie

Actually, I do feel different. This year holds all sorts of hope and new possibilities, and I am determined to start it off right. My goal is to maintain a positive outlook and a prayerful attitude. I want to make loving people a priority. I want to not only start things, but also finish them, and put my whole heart into whatever I'm doing.

These are not resolutions. They are simply things that I would like to see grow in me this year.

Happy 2009!


annaliese said...

hey! great (non) resolutions :) love you!

Angela said...

I love your goals, Dana. I'm feeling very goal-less these last couple of years. Maybe you can inspire me.. =)

LindaB said...

Sounds like a nice start to the new year. I think 2009 might just be a great one!