Monday, April 19, 2010

Frenzying Away

Hello, Blogland...

I see from the date that it's been a month since my last update...oops. It's April, and this year that means that I am in the process of slogging through the writing of my very first feature length screenplay. I'm participating in a program called Script Frenzy (see my little icon over here ----->) in which the goal is to complete 100 pages of script in 30 days. Sound familiar? It's a program from the same group as National Novel Writing Month, which I attempted to participate in last November.

Anyway, this project is already going significantly better than the novel attempt - I actually have a plot and dialogue and interesting characters! And a good number of pages...although I am currently a little behind schedule, which means I should go back to working on that rather than blogging. :)

Before I go, though, I thought I'd let you know (because I know you're all wondering!) that I finally found another job! I'm working at a movie theater in town, and so far, so good. I've been there almost a week. Ha. Anyway, I will now be spending my summer selling popcorn and smiling a lot, and I can now officially say that I have my first job in the Film Industry. Hey, it's a foot in the door, right? The guy on our training videos said that Julia Roberts even started by working at a movie theater...


annaliese said...

oooh! can I read it?! and another HUGE congrats on the job!!! :) I love that it is your first job 'in the industry' :) !!!

Dana said...

Um, duh, of course you can read it! (If I ever finish it) And thanks, I'm really enjoying the job - it's a challenge still as it's all new, but it's fun. :)