Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pretend that I wrote a clever title.

I feel so uninspired lately. Maybe it's because I've been swallowed by the black hole that has become my life, and that's hindered the creative process? We'll see. 

It's just frustrating because a couple of weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a great idea for a story. I proceeded to get out of bed and write 2 solid pages of notes and snatches of the story before my brain let me go back to sleep. I haven't made any progress on it since then. And I don't really know why. Maybe I don't want to write it because it was such a good idea that if it turns out mediocre I will feel bad for it's lost potential. Yes, story ideas have feelings and purpose and a sense of identity that is extremely fragile. Don't laugh at me. 

Yesterday, I began a fledgling version of an online store. I'll let you know what/where it is once I have a few more things up on it. Then you can buy fun things and I will make some money. :)

I need a real job. You know, one that pays every two weeks in an amount that will pay more than my gas and grocery bill. Trouble is, I'm picky. I want to work part time, weekdays only, so I have time for church, theater, and working on this so-called writing that I do. I also don't want to answer phones or make phone calls. See? Picky.

I've reached my word quota for this update. Mostly because I lost my train of thought. More later.


annaliese said...

oh, I love your title!
so clever!
love you, friend...I finally got our twilight post up :)

annaliese said...

yay! I follow you you better get busy writing again!

oh! and since you have word verification--I'm going to add a definition for you--I've seen other comments with these and they always crack me up--enjoy!

word verification word...squadre: the elegant, more refined soldiers in a squadron.