It's just frustrating because a couple of weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with a great idea for a story. I proceeded to get out of bed and write 2 solid pages of notes and snatches of the story before my brain let me go back to sleep. I haven't made any progress on it since then. And I don't really know why. Maybe I don't want to write it because it was such a good idea that if it turns out mediocre I will feel bad for it's lost potential. Yes, story ideas have feelings and purpose and a sense of identity that is extremely fragile. Don't laugh at me.
Yesterday, I began a fledgling version of an online store. I'll let you know what/where it is once I have a few more things up on it. Then you can buy fun things and I will make some money. :)
I need a real job. You know, one that pays every two weeks in an amount that will pay more than my gas and grocery bill. Trouble is, I'm picky. I want to work part time, weekdays only, so I have time for church, theater, and working on this so-called writing that I do. I also don't want to answer phones or make phone calls. See? Picky.
I've reached my word quota for this update. Mostly because I lost my train of thought. More later.
oh, I love your title!
so clever!
love you, friend...I finally got our twilight post up :)
yay! I follow you you better get busy writing again!
oh! and since you have word verification--I'm going to add a definition for you--I've seen other comments with these and they always crack me up--enjoy!
word verification word...squadre: the elegant, more refined soldiers in a squadron.
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